Thursday, October 22, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #8

A) The website I used this time is Oxysearch. The key-terms I used was, Constantine and the Roman Empire. I have used other terms and different strategies, but I couldn't find anything useful for my topic. For this site I got 4 pages of hits, and they were somewhat relevant to my topics.

B) The social media search tool, I used and liked was Addictomatic. I got many hits on my topic, because this site gets information from many sites. The reason why I like it is because they have many websites that they pull all their information from.

C) On the multimedia tools, I didn't even look for my topic, because all they would have on my topic is documentaries.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #7

A) The search engines I use is Yahoo, Google and some times MSN. The reason why I use them is because I have grown up with them. I have never been shown other search engines then them. I like them because they are a great starting place to start any paper or research you need to do. On the other end, the negative part part to it is that you get a ton of results, and you don't know is the sites are creditable.

B)The website I used was, I wasn't to keen on this website about my topic, but it's a good site in general.

C) With my topic I really can't do field research on my topic. The reason why is because it's about the past, where people have already done great research many times about it; and they can no longer find any more new information

Research Journal Assignment #6

A) Barnes, Timothy D. "Constantine after Seventeen Hundred Years: The Cambridge Companion, the York Exhibition and a Recent Biography." International Journal of the Classical Tradition 14.1/2 (2007): 185-220. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 8 Oct. 2009.

B) There are no Revisions to my search strings
