Thursday, December 3, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #14

Asté, Patricia, Prod. The Roman Empire in the First Century. Goldfarb & Koval Productions, Inc: 2001, Film.
This film was a great source to use and to learn more information about the rise of the Roman Empire. The next time I have a chance I would most likely watch it for the film itself and not just for research.

Barnes, Timothy D. "Constantine after Seventeen Hundred Years: The Cambridge Companion, the York Exhibition and a Recent Biography." International Journal of the Classical Tradition 14.1/2 (2007): 185-220. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Nov. 2009.
At first glance and skimming through this paper looked great to use, but in reality it wasn’t. The people who wrote the paper/research paper had a very biased opinion of Constantine. I wasn’t too keen on this reference.

Clifford Ando. "Decline, Fall, and Transformation." Journal of Late Antiquity 1.1 (2008): 31-60. Project MUSE. Auraria Library, Denver, CO. 12 Jun. 2009 .
This was a great source to use because it had great information and great pictures. I enjoyed just reading the information. The Arthurs used many great sources to help them write this great paper.

Ellis, Elisabeth, and Anthony Esler. World History Connections to Today. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Peasron Prentice Hall, 2003. Print.
First this book is a text book from my high school, and it was a great text book to use because it used many great sources. I can’t say anything about this text book because its one of my favorite ones in school.

"The Founding." The Roman Empire. 04 July 2007. Web. 23 Nov 2009. .
This website was a decent website to use because it was owned and run by big fans of the Roman Empire. On the good side they had great information and used good sources that are backed up by other sources. It was fun reading what information they had and how they used it.

West, Dominic, Perf. 300. Dir. Zack Snyder." Warner Bros. Pictures: 2007, DVD.
Even though I didn’t use much from this source, it was a great way to view how politicians were like back then. Wasn’t that big of a fan of the movie in general.

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