Thursday, September 10, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #3

3a) Emperor Constantine

3b) About one of the reasons why the Roman Empire collapsed

3c) Did Constantin's decision to make Christianity the official religion led to the fall of the Roman empire?

NEW TOPIC QUESTION: What Factors led to the Fall of the Roman Empire?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul,
    As a part of our research Journal Assignment I am commenting on your blog about your research questions.
    As I was reading your question, I was thinking that you could maybe rephrase your question. I am not totally sure what word to use but I think we now know that the change to Christianity was not the correct one, at least according to history.
    I was thinking that your question would be a little better if you rephrased it to ask if Constantin's decision to make Christianity the official religion led to the fall of the empire. I may be completely off base here, if I am just let me know. Have a good weekend Paul!
