Thursday, December 3, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #14

Asté, Patricia, Prod. The Roman Empire in the First Century. Goldfarb & Koval Productions, Inc: 2001, Film.
This film was a great source to use and to learn more information about the rise of the Roman Empire. The next time I have a chance I would most likely watch it for the film itself and not just for research.

Barnes, Timothy D. "Constantine after Seventeen Hundred Years: The Cambridge Companion, the York Exhibition and a Recent Biography." International Journal of the Classical Tradition 14.1/2 (2007): 185-220. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 28 Nov. 2009.
At first glance and skimming through this paper looked great to use, but in reality it wasn’t. The people who wrote the paper/research paper had a very biased opinion of Constantine. I wasn’t too keen on this reference.

Clifford Ando. "Decline, Fall, and Transformation." Journal of Late Antiquity 1.1 (2008): 31-60. Project MUSE. Auraria Library, Denver, CO. 12 Jun. 2009 .
This was a great source to use because it had great information and great pictures. I enjoyed just reading the information. The Arthurs used many great sources to help them write this great paper.

Ellis, Elisabeth, and Anthony Esler. World History Connections to Today. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Peasron Prentice Hall, 2003. Print.
First this book is a text book from my high school, and it was a great text book to use because it used many great sources. I can’t say anything about this text book because its one of my favorite ones in school.

"The Founding." The Roman Empire. 04 July 2007. Web. 23 Nov 2009. .
This website was a decent website to use because it was owned and run by big fans of the Roman Empire. On the good side they had great information and used good sources that are backed up by other sources. It was fun reading what information they had and how they used it.

West, Dominic, Perf. 300. Dir. Zack Snyder." Warner Bros. Pictures: 2007, DVD.
Even though I didn’t use much from this source, it was a great way to view how politicians were like back then. Wasn’t that big of a fan of the movie in general.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #13

A) Interview (Most Useful): What would you say was some causes of the fall of the roman empire?
Separation, Time, Battles
What emperor would you say started the fall of the empire?

Servery: Do you know anything about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire?
Yes: 20 No: 35

B) Ferrill, Arther. The Fall of The Roman Empire. New York, NY: Thames and Hudson Inc., 1994. Print.
When it comes to finding information about main points about the fall of the Roman Empire, this book is okay. This book mostly focuses on the military point of view of the fall. It came in handy when I talked about the military causes of the collapse. It goes in to great details about strategies they had when it came to battles and inter-empire conflicts, but not much else. It did cover in very small detail, if you read between the lines of all the texts, of other aspects of the collapse. If I had to give it a grade, in the usefulness of my project I would give it a “C”. I believe Ferrill wrote this book in regards that High school and maybe college students would read it, and get information about his thoughts about the collapse of the empire.

Haywood, Thomas. The Myth of Rome's Fall. New York, NY: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, Inc., 1958. Print.
When I was reading Haywood’s book, I could tell that he was mainly writing in regards towards his wife. Overall his book was good, it was really interesting to read and think about why he wrote it in this way. His writing style is very interesting because it seems to me that he doesn’t like the Roman Empire at all. The way he started his book gave me that impression because I could see his voice, and his dislike about how people talk about the collapse of it. The grade I would give this book would be a “D+” to “C-“. The reason why is because of his writing style in this book and how it was address to the public. I don’t know what grade level I would assign this book to.

Grant, Michael. The Fall of the Roman Empire -A Reappraisal. Park Street, London: The Anneberg Press, 1976. Print.
This book was written in a very logical way, it was separated into five parts, which explained different aspects of the decline of the empire and empires. Even though it was written a long time ago, Grant filled it with great information, which is still used today. I used this book and _________ the most because it had all the information I needed and used for my paper. I believe Grant at the time wrote this paper for college students, but in today’s standards it would be used in high school. Even though it was easy to read and understand, it had a lot of information that I didn’t know. I would give this book a “B+” to an “A”. The reason why is because it had a lot of information and was great to read.

Moorhead, John. The Roman Empire Divided. Great Britain, London: Pearson Education Limited, 2001. Print.
After I read a little of this book, I knew this book was going to be good for my essay, when I was going to talk about the empire separating in to two different empires. It was a nice change to find and read a book that was written in this decade. It was in-depth to the point it felt like he had a firsthand knowledge of the events. Since I know he wasn’t there, I believe that he had great resources that he used and seemed he investigated each source. If I gave this book a grade I would give it a “B+”. I would be using this book when I talked about the empire splitting in to two empires.

Research Journal Assignment #12

A)I am now all done with my paper, at the time I barely had it started, I was still getting all my research stuff together.

B) For my presentation I'm planning on talking about the history briefly and talking about famous locations and emperors. I am planning on showing some pictures of Rome, of the places I went for vacation.



Research Journal Assignment #15


B) I learned a lot of things this year. One big thing i learned was not to wait to the last minute to get things done. I found out about all the different types of sources there are out there. I also learned how to manage my time in many ways. I found out that writing a long paper isn't hard when you have good sources and know what you want to talk about.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Internet Research Project

My research topic was

In general this site was okay. For my topic did not work at this site. is a site that is another youtube, but it has more to deal with everyday information. You can put any keywords in the search bar and it will bring up any videos that had those words. It doesn't have many old videos about topics.

Research Journal Assignment #10C



Research Journal Assignment #11B

I cannot think of any visual aids that I would use at this time, since my topic have been covered a lot.

Research Journal Assignment #11A

Do people really know how the Roman Empire started and fell? When I asked 40 people at my work, only 25 new some parts on how the empire started, only 15 knew some reasons why it fell. The year is 1996 and you are walking and you notice a strange man who is blind and you walk up to him, you ask him if he could tell you how the Roman Empire started and fell; he tells you he can and you sit down next to him and he starts telling you the story. Hopefully after listening to him you can make your own decision or ideas about why and how the empire fell. The major factors for the fall of the Roman Empire are: the Separation of the Empire, Military Causes and Economic reasons.

Research Journal Assignment #10B

1) Separation of Empire:

2) Economics

3) Battles

Objections: After each one I will be adding objections to them.

Research Journal Assignment #10A

Research Question: What Factors lead to the Fall of the Roman Empire?

Precise Claim:

Reasons: Separation of Empire, Beliefs, War, Population, Economics

Complete Thesis Statement: Out of all the Factors what ones were the biggest ones that made the Roman Empire fall

Research Journal Assignment #9

For my topic I have found many resources pretty much telling me the same thing. All the sources I have found all have great information. So it would be hard to just talk about just one of them when all of them say pretty much the same thing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #8

A) The website I used this time is Oxysearch. The key-terms I used was, Constantine and the Roman Empire. I have used other terms and different strategies, but I couldn't find anything useful for my topic. For this site I got 4 pages of hits, and they were somewhat relevant to my topics.

B) The social media search tool, I used and liked was Addictomatic. I got many hits on my topic, because this site gets information from many sites. The reason why I like it is because they have many websites that they pull all their information from.

C) On the multimedia tools, I didn't even look for my topic, because all they would have on my topic is documentaries.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #7

A) The search engines I use is Yahoo, Google and some times MSN. The reason why I use them is because I have grown up with them. I have never been shown other search engines then them. I like them because they are a great starting place to start any paper or research you need to do. On the other end, the negative part part to it is that you get a ton of results, and you don't know is the sites are creditable.

B)The website I used was, I wasn't to keen on this website about my topic, but it's a good site in general.

C) With my topic I really can't do field research on my topic. The reason why is because it's about the past, where people have already done great research many times about it; and they can no longer find any more new information

Research Journal Assignment #6

A) Barnes, Timothy D. "Constantine after Seventeen Hundred Years: The Cambridge Companion, the York Exhibition and a Recent Biography." International Journal of the Classical Tradition 14.1/2 (2007): 185-220. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 8 Oct. 2009.

B) There are no Revisions to my search strings


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #5

A)"Constantine." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 24 Sep. 2009 <>.

B) Grant, Michael. Constantine the Great: The Man and His Times. New York: Scribner's, 1994.

Holloway, R. Ross. Constantine & Rome. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004.

Grant Stone:

Kris Pacheco:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #4

A) FO: Decisions, decided, Religion/s, Falls, Falling, Roman/s
RE/ST: Reason, Collapse, in-cave, engulf, Rome
LOG: Arts > Humanities > History > By Time Period > Ancient History > Roman > Fall of the Roman Empire

B) Search Engine Math:
1) Constantine +Christianity "+Fall of Roman Empire"
2) Fall of Roman Empire +Constantine -Christianity

1) "Emperor Constantine AND Christianity"
2) "Fall of Roman Empire AND Emperor Constantine"


Mat T:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #3

3a) Emperor Constantine

3b) About one of the reasons why the Roman Empire collapsed

3c) Did Constantin's decision to make Christianity the official religion led to the fall of the Roman empire?

NEW TOPIC QUESTION: What Factors led to the Fall of the Roman Empire?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #2 A-C

A) Christianity's influence on Roman culture
Fall of the Roman Empire
Emperor Constantine

  1. For my topic I am deciding on one of the aspects of the fall of the, great, Roman Empire. The reason why I picked this topic is because I am a big fan of Rome and Greece. There were many reasons why the empire fell, and majority of them are all argumentive. I have been reading about Rome and Greece for many years. Every part of this empires history has affected us, Americans, from our begining to now.
  2. Beginning, Mythology, Military, Empires reign, Some information about the fall
  3. Christianity's affect, Emperor Constantine, public reaction to the reform, and other things

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #1: Areas of Academic Interest

  • Rome,
  • Greece,
  • Sports,
  • Athletic Training,
  • Soccer